A terrible disaster befalls the United States. It must never be repeated. To ensure that it doesn’t, tomorrow’s light now reflects in a thousand million million eyes.

Invisible nanobot-based cameras now blanket the cities and the skies, recording data and transmitting it to the Pentagon. Every single event: recorded. Every single incident: captured. It’s the ultimate law enforcement tool, a security feed that spans coast to coast.

Something is going wrong.

The nanocams are transmitting bizarre scenes to the Pentagon – events that have never happened, images that seem to be from another world.

Are the recordings being doctored?

Or is something far more sinister afoot?

A powerful and malevolent intelligence is emerging from the ruins of America, and it might be too late to stop it. An intelligence analyst called Viktor Kertesz now stands at the threshold of a new chapter of human history…and zero has just become one.

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More short stories. Slipstreams of burning ectoplasm, exteriorized with a literary scalpel.

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The first collection of short stories.

Surreality, horror, broken pieces that shouldn’t be reassembled.

$4.99 on Amazon

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